Author Archives: Admin

What is the difference between laser and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) for hair removal?

What is it? Both are treatments that offer permanent hair reduction in most areas over the body ranging from your face, underarms, chest, back, bikini area or legs, basically anywhere where you grow hair can be treated.  Hair removal for both methods work the same way, in that they use a light source to targets…

Micro-Exfoliating Honey Cleanser

Have you tried our amazing Micro-Exfoliating Honey Cleanser from Circadia Skin, swipe left to see the results after just one week. The healing properties of honey are well documented. This product gently exfoliates the skin while also absorbing excess oil resulting in skin with less breakouts and inflammation. A perfect take home product for those…

What is Microneedling?

This minimally invasive procedure is used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, pigmentation, stretch marks, it can rejuvenate ageing sun damaged skin and offer a reduction in the appearance of enlarged pores. It involves creating micro injuries over the skin using a precision device which in turn stimulates the body’s…